2016 Australian Fashion Report
The Truth Behind the Barcode
Baptist World Aid Australia have released the third edition of the Australian Fashion Report. In a media release to introduce the report it is noted that “when it comes to the efforts of the Australian fashion industry, we’re continuing to see even more progress!” The report covers 87 companies representing over 300 brands. Significant improvements have been found in the policies and practices that have been put in place to mitigate the risk of child labour and forced labour in the companies’ supply chains. There is also an increase in the number of companies paying above the minimum wage to their workers. However the majority of companies are still not paying workers a living wage.
- Download the full report and the pocket guide and use them as a guides when you are shopping
- Tell you friends about the report
- Write to companies that have improved their policies affirming their actions
- Express your concerns to companies that still need to take significant action concerning their supply chains and labour practices.