2018 Trafficking in Persons Report

Modern Slavery Has No Place in the World
In releasing the 2018 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report US Secretary of State, Michael R Pompeo said: “Modern slavery has no place in the world, and I intend to ensure, through diplomatic engagement and increased action, that the United States government’s leadership in combating this global threat is sustained in the years to come.”
The 2018 report highlights some of the elements of an effective community-based approach, the challenges in implementing such initiatives, and the opportunities national governments have to facilitate coordination, cooperation, and responsibility-sharing with
and between local governments and communities. Topics of special interest in the report include Child Institutionalization and Human Trafficking, How Governments Address Domestic Servitude in Diplomatic Households, Promising Practices in the Eradication of
Trafficking in Persons: Tracking Suspicious Financial Flows and Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach. Once again the report name 10 TIP Heroes. Country narratives within the report give an outline of what is being done to prevent human trafficking, to protect those who have been trafficked and to prosecute the traffickers. Recommendations are also provided to assist countries in fulfilling their obligations under the Palermo Protocol.
Access the report here.