2022 ACRATH Annual Report

At ACRATH’s AGM on Tuesday 7th March 2023 the 2022 ACRATH Annual Report was delivered. The report contains the President’s Report, ACRATH’s strategic Directions, the Executive Officer’s Report, Key Deliverables for 2022 and the Treasurers report.
ACRATH President, Clare Condon sgs, opened her report using the words of Jesus “I have come that you may have life, life to the full” (Jn 10:10). Clare commented that fullness of life is desired by all of us but because of the exploitation they experience many in our world do not experience fullness of life. She thanked ACRATH’s members and staff for all they do to be a source of life for those who have suffered in any way from trafficking or modem slavery-like conditions. Clare applauded “ACRATH-ers who have found new ways of connecting and reaching out in service, education and advocacy” despite the lingering impact of Covid-19.
Download a copy of the 2022 ACRATH Annual Report here.