ACRATH 2020 Fundraising Appeal

Donate 2020

Many of you, your congregations, dioceses, parishes or communities, already donate to ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) and may have already done so in recent months.

Others have supported trafficked people through prayer, advocacy, companionship, purchasing slavery-free products and letter writing.
Thank you! It takes an almighty community effort to build the momentum needed to stop modern slavery and together we will bring an end to the trafficking of humans.

We know in these times that seem chaotic and unpredictable, COVID-19 is impacting on the very people most vulnerable to trafficking because they often live in poverty and lack suitable housing and healthcare.

Hundreds of thousands of these people will be drawn to the promise of work simply to put food on their family’s table – work that often turns out to be a job in slave-like conditions. Or worse, they will be sold into labour or sexual exploitation.
Each year ACRATH asks for your support as we mark the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July. Each year, generously, you respond. And each year because of your response ACRATH has been able to develop projects, services and resources.
Your support has helped ACRATH:

  • Provide training programs and workshops around Australia for teachers and child protection workers to provide safe referral pathways for a young woman in a forced marriage or facing a forced marriage. In 2019 the Australian Federal Police had 193 active cases of forced marriage.
  • Develop, in response to COVID-19, a 35-minute forced marriage online training video for teachers, hospital staff and child-protection workers, who cannot attend face-to-face training sessions.
  • Support ACRATH Companions to assist trafficked women during COVID-19. These volunteers have used online technology to help the women with practical issues such as material aid and bill paying as well as provide more complex emotional support.
  • Offer teachers from around Australia a webinar introduction to human trafficking using our online kit, Modern Slavery: A Kit for Senior Secondary Students. The webinars were developed to support teachers forced to work online during COVID-19 and more are planned for later this year and next year.
  • Support Western Australia ACRATH members to develop posters for distribution to schools and parishes to promote slavery-free supply chains and support for garment workers in those countries hit hardest by COVID-19.
  • Connect our forced labour team with the East-Timorese workers in Warrnambool and Red Cliffs and overseas workers in Queensland to keep them updated on the COVID-19 regulations from the government and other important health information and support services.

None of this work, though challenging during the pandemic, could have happened without your support and we thank you.
If you are in a position now to continue to support the critical anti-trafficking work of ACRATH, at a time that is even more dangerous for those most vulnerable, we are incredibly thankful. Their time of need could not be greater.

If you cannot offer any financial support during this difficult time, we understand and we ask you to continue to collaborate with us to stop human trafficking and modern slavery. ACRATH has produced a prayer for use to mark the 2020 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July. We are aware that more than 40 million people in our world today are victims of human trafficking. We also know that our prayer must change us and lead to action against this injustice. Therefore the theme of the prayer is “May our prayer lead us to act against human trafficking“. Again, we thank you for all the actions you take to prevent human trafficking and to support those who are trafficked and we ask you to consider donating to ACRATH today, if you are in a position to do so.

Donation Options

  • Online:
Please note there is a forward slash not a dot between com and au.

  • Cheques: Please make cheques payable to ACRATH Public Fund. Post to

ACRATH National Office,
54 Beaconsfield Parade,
Albert Park, 3206.

  • Direct Deposit

Commonwealth Bank of Australia
ACRATH Public Fund
BSB 063 111 Account number 10802141
(Please send an email to if you make a donation by direct deposit giving name and contact details so that a receipt can be sent).

Again, we thank you for your unwavering support.

For more appeal information contact Rosie Hoban on

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