ACRATH Acknowledges Sr Anne Tormey rsm
Thank You for Your Commitment and Vision
At the recent ACRATH National Conference, Sr Anne Tormey rsm (on right in photo) stepped down as President of ACRATH. In thanking Anne for her three years of leadership, Carmel Heagerty rsm reflected:
Anne gifted us with:
- her capacity to listen, even when many wanted their voices heard at National Committee meetings
- her knowledge, experience and skills in matters of governance
- her generosity of commitment and time
- her vision for ACRATH and her belief in operating as a team
- her warmth and engagement
- her inner presence.
Anne has been a blessing for ACRATH in her role as President and, we now bless Anne.
Sr Anne Tormey’s report on the work of ACRATH during 2016 can be found here. The ACRATH AGM named Sr Noelene Simmons sm as the National President of ACRATH for the next twelve months.