ACRATH Advocacy Report


canberra-news-20162016 Visit to Federal Parliament

The latest issue of ACRATH News provides a report on ACRATH’s recent visit to Federal Parliament. Over a four day period ACRATH met with 51 Members of Parliament, including 4 meetings with Ministers and Ministerial advisors. The MPs were from the Government, the Opposition and the Crossbench; they were from both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

We also had meetings with staff at four Embassies for whom human trafficking is of particular concern. The team also met with staff from 8 other key parties: the Australian Federal Police, Attorney-General’s Department, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (both Communications and Research), the Australian Institute of Criminology, the Salvation Army Freedom Partnership and Anti-Slavery Australia, and the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office where we gave a one hour presentation to state directors.

Some MPs were visibly moved by the accounts we shared. Some acknowledged us as a credible source for informing them. The Chief of Staff for one very senior MP commented, ‘We have so much respect and admiration for the work you do. All the best.’ Download a copy of the full report.

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