ACRATH Advocates at Youth Festival

Members of ACRATH in Western Australia have been busy preparing to take part in the Australia Catholic Youth Festival 8-10 December in Perth. The stall is now ready to welcome the pilgrims who will attend the festival. During the Festival ACRATH participated in a number of workshops:
- Three ACRATH members, Kathy, Liz and Tori, presented a workshop on Protecting children in the Asia Pacific region from human trafficking and Modern Slavery. Over 200 young people attended the workshop engaging enthusiastically in the activity connecting them with children and young people in or at risk of trafficking not far from our country.,
- Liz Payne represented ACRATH on the Fighting Modern Slavery Panel with ArchbishopAnthony Fisher and Grace Forest of Walk Free to explore modern slavery in its many forms, the risks in supply chains, and working collaborativelyto respond strategically.
- Forced Marriage is a form of slavery. It happens in Australia too!