ACRATH Attends Anti-Human Trafficking Events


DSC00716Advocating for People Trafficked into Australia

ACRATH Members were present on 4 August at the Australian Government event to mark World Day Against Human Trafficking. The theme of the events was ‘How can government, civil society and the private sector work together to more effectively combat human trafficking?’ Chaired by Australia’s Ambassador for People Smuggling and Human Trafficking, HE Andrew Goledzinowski AM,  members of a panel addressed the gathering and then responded to questions from the audience. Panelists were Dr David Cooke, Managing Director, Konica Minolta; Leanne Close APM, Deputy Secretary, Criminal Justice Group, Attorney-General’s Department; Professor Jennifer Burn, Director, Anti-Slavery Australia; Jo Pride, CEO, Hagar Australia; Margaret Stuart, Head of Corporate and External Relations, Nestlé Oceania. Very animated networking then took place during afternoon tea.

Earlier in the day, ACRATH was also present at the Senior Officers’ Meeting of the National Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery. This event hosted by the Attorney General’s Department, People Smuggling and Trafficking Section, was an opportunity for NGOs and Government department personnel to reflect on the issues impacting on people trafficked into Australia. The open, frank discussion that occurred at this meeting highlights the good will that exists with government and NGOS as they work to eliminate human trafficking and to protect the human rights of those affected by this crime.

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