ACRATH Launches Fundraising Campaign

Fundraising Launch

ACRATH has launched its 2023 fundraising campaign and hopes to raise $350,000 by 30 July 2023, the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

This year’s campaign will focus on ACRATH’s need for sustainable funding in order to continue programs and support victims and survivors of human trafficking.

The need for ongoing funding was highlighted in the recent Federal Government Budget announcement that victims and survivors of human trafficking can now access support without involvement with law enforcement. ACRATH has been advocating for this momentous change for 17 years, believing that a trafficked person’s access to support should not be tied to their willingness, or ability, to engage with law enforcement and the criminal justice process.

Long-term advocacy takes commitment and resources. Staff are needed, volunteers are trained and regular in-person or online meetings with Members of Parliament in Canberra are resourced.  Financial support comes from so many generous religious congregations and individuals who commit to three-years of funding, if possible.

The Sisters of St John of God are one of several long-term funders who make regular three-year commitments to assist ACRATH in ensuring sustainability. We are asking other religious congregations, other donors and Dioceses to follow this lead.

ACRATH’s Executive Officer Christine Carolan said the Federal Government announcement allowing victims and survivors of human trafficking to access support without involvement with law enforcement illustrated modern slavery is closer than most people think. Walk Free’s 2023 Global Slavery Index estimates that on any given day in 2021, there were 41,000 individuals living in modern slavery in Australia.

“We are asking individuals, businesses and congregations to consider giving us a three-year commitment to ensure our existing programs, supporting victims/survivors of human trafficking can be maintained and new projects can be initiated when needs arise,” Christine said.

Christine said funds raised would go to the following programs:

  • Our ACRATH Companionship program where we train and support volunteers to walk alongside a victim and survivor, much as a good neighbour would do
  • Our awareness raising program in Australian public hospitals so Emergency Department staff are trained to recognise a trafficked person and also know how to safely refer them on.
  • Our advocacy campaign with Members of Federal Parliament, this year to get a federal compensation scheme that can be accessed by victims and survivors.

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