ACRATH Member at UNANIMA International

Beginning Internship at UNANIMA
Having recently begun her experience as an intern at UNANIMA International ACRATH member, Susan Newland, was asked to introduce herself in the UNANIMA International Newsletter. She wrote:
“‘In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.’ (This comment written by Albert Einstein in an undelivered speech in 1955 is something I believe in.) My name is Susan Newland. I am an Australian citizen from Adelaide in South Australia. Presently I work for Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) and am a member of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against the Trafficking of Humans). I hold a Doctorate in Education, a Master’s degree in International Law & International Relations, a Master’s degree in Theological Studies and a number of other qualifications that reveal my love of learning and my need to understand the issues that affect us deeply as human beings in a fragile world. My aim is to work for the “matters of truth and justice” to which Einstein refers. I am privileged to have been sponsored by the Brigidine Sisters in Australia for an internship with UNANIMA. I have already observed some of the concerns that make up the tapestry of needs calling for debate and advocacy within the United Nations. And it is within this promise of hope that the UN represents, that I wish to stand alongside those whose voices are calling to be heard and bring their story to the UNANIMA community and all who will listen.”