ACRATH Members in USA
Conferences and Networking
Sr Ann Laidlaw dc and Christine Carolan, ACRATH National Projects Coordinator, represented the Australian province at a Daughters of Charity anti trafficking conference in New York in the first week of August 2013. The Daughters of Charity work on trafficking in Australia is through their membership of ACRATH. While in New York Ann and Christine met representatives of Mercy Global Concern, Good Shepherd and UNANIMA, an NGO representing 18 congregations.
Moving on to Washington DC Ann & Christine had meetings with:
- Rachael West, Second Secretary (Political) of the Embassy of Australia
- US Conference of Catholic Bishops & Franciscans Action Network
- US State Department Trafficking In Persons (TIP) Office
- Advisors to Senator Harkin and Congressman Engel about slavery free supply chains
During these meetings their aim was to explore networking,to learn from others’ experiences and to share what we, ACRATH, are doing. The theme of global collaboration and collegial action emerged from the meetings. Read more…