ACRATH Participates in National Roundtable

Minister Keenan

National Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery

Minister KeenanMinister for Justice, Michael Keenan MP, convened the National Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery on Monday 14th July in Parliament House, Canberra.  Four government Ministers attended the meeting along with government agencies, non-government organisations and industry bodies. At the meeting Christine Carolan, ACRATH National Executive Officer, was able to raise some of ACRATH’s major concerns – access to services for trafficked people, visa titles and the entitlements that fall out of each visa class (eg English classes) and the need for the slavery free supply chain working group to begin its work.

During the meeting Minister Keenan announced ACRATH would receive $60,000 funding to develop a curriculum on forced marriage and facilitate teacher training in government and independent schools. ACRATH was delighted to receive this news.  The grant will enable ACRATH to expand our education resource  to include the issue of forced marriage.  Read more…

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