ACRATH’s Thai Banquet

Event to Support the Goals of ACRATH
At Seton Catholic College on Friday 6th, ACRATH members in Western Australia recently hosted a Thai banquet. The event held at Seton Catholic College was attended by 130 guests. Proceeds of the evening will be used to further ACRATH’s goal to eliminate all forms of human trafficking in sexual exploitation and in forced labour. Thanks must go to the wonderful teachers, Kerith and Jenni, who were instrumental in getting all the preparation in place for the Thai Banquet and to Bo who did the cooking. Sr Cath introduced the event and thanked all our guests for paying for their tickets and supporting ACRATH’s goals. Sr Margaret composed a beautiful grace set to the tune of edelweiss which enjoyed by the crowd. A raffle of thirteen baskets, each containing a copy of the prayer to St Josephine Bakhita, ended the night.