Action for April
ACRATH’s volunteer Companions offer support and friendship to trafficked women and their children. Two Companions support groups of seasonal workers in Victoria and Queensland.
ACRATH’s Companions strive to …
- be a supportive presence for the trafficked person, a steady, reliable source of encouragement, support, affirmation, and when required, a bit of considered advice.
- walk beside those who have been trafficked and who treasure and appreciate support and care.
- offer the trafficked woman support, care, confidence to take a new path and become self-reliant.
- be someone in the trafficked woman’s life who listens with the heart, a nonjudgmental, steady, trustworthy “other” who is totally committed to their well being.
You too can make a difference in the lives of trafficked people.
During the month of April, as part of Easter in your parish, school or community, arrange a reflection time inviting people to consider Pope Francis’ words – “It is not possible to remain indifferent before the knowledge that human beings are bought and sold like goods!” Consider the challenges these words offer you and commit to taking some action?