Advocating for the Rights of Trafficked People
ACRATH Members to Visit Federal Parliament
Thirteen ACRATH members from around Australia will make their annual visit to Federal Parliament from 22-25 September 2014 in a bid to influence policies affecting people trafficked into Australia. ACRATH has at least 54 meetings scheduled during this advocacy week.
During our time in Canberra ACRATH members will engage with Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, Ministerial advisors, Departmental staff, Embassy staff, and Church leaders in our continuing battle to ensure the rights of trafficked people are met. Adopting a human rights approach key advocacy issues will include support services for women and men trafficked into Australia, a compensation scheme that will assist rehabilitation and the need to ensure a slavery free supply chain for goods coming into Australia.
ACRATH would be grateful for your prayerful support during our time of advocacy in Canberra. Thank you.