Anti-Slavery Actions for July

The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is observed each year on 30th July. This day serves as a reminder that there is still much to be done in the work of eliminating human trafficking and slavery. There are approximately 40 million people trapped in slavery in our world. One in four of these is a child. And yes, slavery happens in Australia.
You can help to eradicate child labour, forced labour and human trafficking by taking some simple steps.
- Learn more about modern-day slavery globally and what is happening in Australia at
- Tell family, friends and work colleagues what you have learnt.
- Arrange a display or forum to inform others and raise awareness about the crime of human trafficking for forced labour and sexual exploitation
- Buy slavery-free certified products for your school, parish, workplace or family –
- Include a prayer at weekend liturgies for all who work to eliminate human trafficking.
- Donate to support the work of ACRATH – or