Ukraine Appeal

The war in Ukraine draws attention to the link between armed conflict and human trafficking. The very presence of armed conflict and the displacement of people causes the intensification of trafficking. This war, among many others, continues to cause pain and death around the world. Latest reports reveal that human traffickers are active and that women and children are being lured into sex and organ trafficking.

ACRATH, as a member of the Talitha Kum network, invites you to support the Appeal for Ukraine. Talitha Kum networks in the region are working to respond to the dire need for care and aid AND to identify and interrupt the horrendous work of traffickers.

Donations to support Talitha Kum’s work for Ukraine can be sent to:
Bank Account holder: Unione Internazionale Superiore Generali (UISG)
Bank: UNICREDIT – Filiale 36004 Roma Conciliazione
Bank Address: Via della Conciliazione 11 – 00193 Roma – Italy
Bank Account Number: 000105535300
IBAN Code: IT 82 J 02008 05008 000105535300
Description: For Ukraine
We unite in prayer and solidarity with all who suffer because of war, asking for the gift of JUSTICE and PEACE.

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