Businesses to Report Slavery in Supply Chains
Proposed New Legislation
The Federal Minister for Justice, Michael Keenan MP, has announced that legislation will be introduced into Parliament requiring large Australian companies to report annually on measures they are taking to combat modern slavery in their supply chains. In the media statement Minister Keenan states:
“The proposed reporting requirement will ensure large businesses and other entities operating in Australia publish annual statements outlining their actions to address this crime. “It will support the business community to respond more effectively to modern slavery, raise business awareness of the issue and create a level playing field for business to share information about what they are doing to eliminate modern slavery. Importantly, it will also encourage business to use their market influence to improve workplace standards and practices.”
A consultation process will take place with industry being invited to comment on a discussion paper. Submission for the consultation will be open till 20th October 2017.
Having advocated for slavery free supply chains for many years ACRATH welcomes this statement from Minister Keenan.