Call to Combat Human Trafficking


J_BakhitaReflection by Sr Anne Tormey RSM, President of ACRATH

Sunday 8 February, the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, marks the first World Day of prayer, reflection and action against human trafficking. An article in Mercy e-News by Sr Anne Tormey, a member of the Institute of Sisters of Mercy in Australia and Papua New Guinea(ISMAPNG) and President of ACRATH, helps us to reflect on the importance of this day. Thank you to Mercy International Association for sharing this article with us.

Sr Anne comments “our prayer on this day becomes one of lamentation for the millions of women, children and men trafficked across the globe for human slavery…this day can be an opportunity to learn about trafficking globally and locally, to pray for the victims of human trafficking and for an end to slavery, to commit to buying fair trade products where possible and to advocating for legislation to protect victims of human trafficking.”


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