Canberra Advocacy Report

ACRATH Newsletter September 2015
Eleven ACRATH advocates were in Canberra for advocacy from 06 to 11 September. During the visit ACRATH was able to acknowledge the recent positive changes to the Human Trafficking Visa Framework and the establishment of the Supply Chains Working Group of the National Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery. The two main advocacy points for this visit to Federal Parliament were forced marriage and forced labour.
During the four days ACRATH members met with 52 Members of Parliament and Advisors. Meetings outside Parliament House included:
- Attorney General’s Department
- Philippines Embassy
- The Salvation Army Freedom Partnership
- Australian Federal Police
- Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Commissions for Women and for Pastoral Life
Overall, many in the Advocacy team thought the week was a success, particularly the advocacy around issues that are very topical at the moment and the willingness for many MPs to address the various issues we raised. 10 years of advocating at Parliament with various MPs, advisers and parliamentary staff has certainly spread the ACRATH name and we appreciate the support we receive from various MPs who have an ongoing relationship with us. Download the ACRATH Newsletter here.