Stop Trafficking!
The June 2020 issue of Stop Trafficking! is now available. This issue focuses on how…
Easter Shopping Guide 2020
Australia-based Be Slavery Free is urging Australian consumers to make a difference this Easter and…
Human Cost of Modern Slavery
With Easter nearly here we should remember the human cost of modern slavery. Particularly at…
Modern Slavery in the Pacific
A report on the reality of modern slavery in the Pacific was launched recently. The…
Survivors Require Long-term Assistance
In a report to the UN Human Rights Council the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking…
Stamping out Exploitation in Travel
A study benchmarking the travel industry’s progress in fighting human trafficking and the commercial sexual…
16 Days Against Gender Based Violence Campaign
The 16 Days Against Gender Based Violence campaign is held each year beginning of the…
Thought for November
Have you ever wondered about the impacts of fast fashion? When St Ursula’s College ‘Not…
Stop Trafficking!
The September issue of Stop Trafficking! focuses on child trafficking with an emphasis on the…
Stop Trafficking!
The June issue of Stop Trafficking! highlights issues affecting trafficked persons and what they see…
Forced Marriage: Community Voices, Stories and Strategies
The Australian Red Cross recently launched their report Forced Marriage: Community Voices, Stories and Strategies, which…
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons
Mandated by the General Assembly through the 2010 United Nations Global Plan of Action to…