Cocoa Barometer 2012

Sustainability Developments in the Cocoa Sector
“It is necessary that the sustainability debate in cocoa goes beyond productivity…. Insufficient income to pay workers, coupled with a shortage of workers in rural areas, forces farmers to rely on unpaid workers. Many of these are family-members, and often work excessive hours, directly increasing the risk of (worst forms of) child labour and forced adult labour.” (2012 Cocoa Barometer)
The Cocoa Barometer 2012 provides an overview of the current sustainability developments in the cocoa sector. It is a joint initiative by the VOICE Network (Stop The Traffik, FNV Bondgenoten, Südwind-Institut, Berne Declaration, Oxfam Wereldwinkels, Oxfam Novib), Solidaridad, and Hivos.
Download your copy here.