Created in the image of God, treated like slaves….

Vatican and COATNET Team Up
The Pontifical Council for Migrants and Itinerant Peoples has teamed up with COATNET (Christian Organizations Against Trafficking in Human Beings) in the fight against human trafficking.
Council President, Cardinal Antonio Maria Vegliò, and the Caritas Internationalis International Policy Director recently presented a “Christian Commitment Paper” on human trafficking which raises awareness in Episcopal Conferences and Church organizations and provides guidelines in the fight against the global slave trade that affects thousands of people.
Linking together many Christian groups which are fighting human trafficking, COATNET aims to raise public awareness about the phenomenon; fight the root causes of vulnerability; advocate for policies to reduce the vulnerability of people to trafficking; advocate for better anti-trafficking laws; cooperate with authorities, churches and civil society to challenge human trafficking; restore dignity to survivors.
Caritas Internationalis International Policy Director Martina Liebsch says “The document is a call to explain what trafficking is, what is behind trafficking but also what can be done by Caritas organizations, other charitable organizations and also by the Church hierarchy.” Download a copy of “Created in the image of God, treated like slaves….” here.