Ethical Fashion Choices

Consumers have the ability to send powerful message about human rights and sustainability by the choices that they make. This is particularly so when it comes to fashion. Do you know who makes your clothes? Are their working conditions safe? Are they paid a living wage? How many hours a day do they have to work? Are they experiencing slavery or forced labour? These and many other questions are the criteria are used by Baptist World Aid to grade fashion companies in Australia and New Zealand.
During Covid-19 garment makers are experiencing new risks. Baptist World Aid reports many suppliers in Bangladesh had the majority of their orders had been cancelled by brands. Consequently garment workers lost their income with 1 in 3 workers claiming they were unable to feed their children during the month of May.
So how can you become more conscious of the impact your clothing purchases can have. Download the Covid edition of the Baptist Word Aid Fashion Guide and Fashion Report. Use these resources to inform your fashion choices and to engage with fashion houses as an agent of change. Affirm companies with higher grades. Express disappointment and encourage change in companies with lower grades. Use social media to encourage others to shop ethically.
Download your copies of the Covid Fashion Guide and Covid Fashion Report here.