Fair Food for Australia

Support the Fair Food Agreement
Many of you will be aware that some workers, particularly those coming into Australia on a range of visas, are working in conditions that are unjust. This issue was highlighted in a recent edition of the ABC’s Four Corners program, Slaving Away. Find the Four Corners program here.
Governments, unions and justice organisation, including ACRATH, are concerned that all workers in Australia are treated fairly, and that people do not have to work in slave-like conditions to provide us with food. The Federal Government inquiry into Australia’s temporary work visa programs has also begun and supermarkets were invited to attend the Melbourne hearing. Woolworths accepted the invitation and their response to issues around food supply chains, as well as evidence from unions and other organisations, can be read in the inquiry’s hearing report.
Unions have also mobilised to try and ensure unfair conditions for workers. The National Union of Workers is circulating a petition which you are encouraged to sign. This can be done on-line or you can print the petition and circulate it to family and friends.
All petitions should be returned (by email or by mailing in hard copy), by July 20 2015 to:
Godfrey Moase
Assistant General Branch Secretary
National Union of Workers
833 Bourke St, Docklands 3008, Victoria
or email to gmoase@nuw.org.au