Federal Government Acts to Prevent Forced Marriage

Forced Marriage - AGD

Forced Marriage - AGDSafety Plan Guidelines and Introductionn of New Legislation on Forced Marriage

On 19th March 2015 Minister for Justice, Michael Keenan MP, announced that to assist young women and girls at risk of forced marriage in developing secret safety plans to escape the illegal practice the Australian Government has uploaded a how-to guide to the Attorney-General’s Department website.  The plan includes suggestions such as how to get ready to leave home quickly and safely, how to make sure you’re not taken overseas to be married, using “safe” words that can confirm your identity and many more.

Minister Keenan also announced that new legislation was introduced into Parliament to clarify what constitutes forced marriage and to increase penalties for conduct that causes a person to enter into a forced marriage. Download a copy of the media release from the Minister for Justice here.


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