Groundbreaking Laws in NSW

After a three year delay, NSW Modern Slavery laws will finally come into force on 1st January 2022. The NSW Modern Slavery Act was passed by the NSW Parliament in 2018. ACRATH has been part of a consortium of more than 117 organisations, academics, lawyers, community and faith leaders urging the government to implement the Act. The NSW Modern Slavery Amendment Act passed the Parliament on 19th November with support from all political parties.
The groundbreaking legislation allows for a truly independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner who will have oversight over the Government to monitor its policies and action in combating modern slavery, issue codes of practice and maintain a public register that identifies government agencies that do not comply.
In announcing the passing of the legislation Special Minister of State, Don Harwin, said:
“The NSW Government is leading by example to require itself – by law – to take action against possible modern slavery in its supply chains. The Government can achieve this by maximising transparency in its procurement practices.”
Minister Harwin also acknowledged the many “faith-based groups who consistently and passionately advocate against modern slavery.” ACRATH wishes to thank our many supporters whose letter writing and signing of petitions has helped to achieve this outcome.
A copy of the Minister Harwin’s media release can be accessed here.