Human Trafficking and Marriage

The United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has released a research paper entitled Interlinkages between Trafficking in Persons and Marriage. The report indicates that most cases of trafficking for the purpose of marriage involve young, female victims, many of whom come from disadvantaged family backgrounds. The research found that “marriages” can be arranged by family members, wedding agencies or brokers, often for financial or material gain. women and girls who experience a forced marriage face violence, abuse, restrictions on movement and isolation from their parents and friends.
Aiming to prevent cases of trafficking linked to marriage, identify and protect victims, and prosecute those responsible the report contains several policy recommendations. The research paper outlines a number of recommendations guided by the principle that effective crime prevention and criminal justice responses to trafficking in persons and violence against women are human rights-based, age-responsive, manage risk and promote victim safety and empowerment while ensuring offender accountability. All persons should enjoy the same rights and principles with regard to equality, security, liberty, integrity and dignity.
Download a copy of the UNODC report here.