Human Trafficking and Slavery


social-justice-paper_0001ACSJC and ACRATH announce a new paper on human trafficking

The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council and ACRATH are delighted to announce the publication of a new paper on human trafficking and slavery.

‘Human trafficking and similar forms of exploitation affect every country on earth. They flourish because of society’s greed for cheap goods and services and because it is so easy to forget that those who meet these needs are human beings with their own innate God-given dignity.’

Those are the words of Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen, Chairman of the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council, in his foreword to Human Trafficking and Slavery: A response from Australian Catholics. The paper, the latest in the ACSJC’s Catholic Social Justice Series, is written by Christine Carolan, Executive Officer of Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH), and Sister Noelene Simmons SM, ACRATH’s Regional Co-ordinator for NSW.

acsjc-paper-authorsThe paper looks at slavery and related crimes in the modern world, at the Church’s teaching, and at the international and Australian laws that deal with this abuse. The paper then discusses ACRATH’s work advocating on behalf of victims of human trafficking, educating Australians, and working alongside organisations here and overseas to shut down human trafficking.

Click here for further information including how to obtain copies of this document. A discussion/reflection guide developed to accompany this paper can be accessed here.

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