Human Trafficking Response Program

Dignity Health – Shared Learnings Manual
A 2017 survey report from the Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST) found that over half of labor and sex trafficking survivors surveyed had accessed health care at least once while being trafficked. Nearly 97% indicated they had never been provided with information or resources about human trafficking while visiting the health care provider. These studies underscore the reality that medical care providers are often unprepared to identify and appropriately respond to trafficked persons.
Dignity Health, the fifth largest health system in the United States, has taken a stand to change this reality by creating the Human Trafficking Response (HTR) Program. The Program has been developed to ensure that trafficked persons are identified in the health care setting and are assisted with victim-centered, trauma-informed care and services. The HTR Program Manual shares HTR Program learnings with Dignity Health associates and with other health care systems seeking to implement a similar program. Download the Manual.