International Domestic Workers Day

Domestic Worker have Rights
In 2017, 21.3 million people worldwide are refugees displaced from their homelands. One of the few employment options available to women (and girl) refugees, who account for 50 per cent of this population, is domestic work. Working behind closed doors in private homes, many have few legal protections and regularly experience exploitation and abuse. Because domestic work is not respected and frequently unprotected, they often don’t find the safety and security they need, and once again face situations vulnerable to exploitation, violence, and intimidation.
In 2011 the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (ILO Convention No. 189) was adopted. This Convention recognized domestic workers as workers like any other. Since then, 70 countries have taken measures to adopt or reform law and policy, including 24 countries that have ratified Convention No. 189.
On International Domestic Workers Day 2017 let us be a voice for those domestic workers who are exploited. Call on governments to ratify the Domestic Workers Convention. Read more…