Justice work in schools


Keep Wednesday August 31 free to join a very special ACRATH Conversation.

Two inspirational teachers and social justice leaders from schools in Victoria and Western Australia will join ACRATH’s Cindy Bohan in Conversation. Please note that this Conversation, Human Trafficking – are schools having an impact? will be held at 3.30pm (Melbourne Sydney time and 1.30pm in WA) to accommodate those friends in WA who want to join the event.

The Conversation will look at how schools are integrating social justice, and human trafficking in particular, into their curriculum and broader school culture.

Gemma Thomson, Dean of Mission and Catholic Identity at Iona Presentation College in Mosman Park WA and Ruth Bakogianis a teacher and social justice leader at St Mary of the Angels Secondary College in Nathalia, Victoria, will talk about what is happening in their schools and the role of students in leading justice works at school and in life.

Both schools are known for their support of ACRATH as well as long histories in social justice works. Gemma and Ruth are engaged with different aspects of ACRATH’s work including attending the Conversation series.

“We know from many of our supporters that engaging young people can be a challenge. So it is wonderful to be able to have these two remarkable teachers with us to hear how they are doing just that in their schools,” Cindy said.

“Of course this Conversation will be particularly relevant to teachers, but we believe that it will offer so much to any community wanting to develop social justice initiatives in their network

Click here to join the zoom Conversation: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88314457711?pwd=dllLUFpCcDRhNkowTHhnaFFaaEkzdz09

ACRATH’s June conversation looked at the need for a National Compensation Scheme for Victim/Survivors of Modern Slavery. Professor Jennifer Burn, director of Anti-Slavery Australia was our guest for this June Conversation. Modern slavery is a violation of human rights. In Australia it is a federal crime and yet there is no federal Victims of Crime Compensation mechanism. Jennifer Burn is leading a campaign calling on the federal government to remedy this lack. ACRATH strongly endorses this campaign.

If you missed the ACRATH June Conversation Series a recording of the event can be viewed here.

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