Lifetime contribution Award
ACRATH congratulates Sr Clare Nolan rsc on receiving the Sr Maria Cunningham Lifetime Contribution Award at the Catholic Health Australia national conference in Brisbane. The award is bestowed by the CHA Stewardship Board on Catholic health leaders who have made significant contributions to the Church’s presence in health and aged care, and inspired others working in Catholic health and aged care ministries.
Clare is a long time supporter of ACRATH and currently serves as a member of the ACRATH National Committee.
Sr Clare did her Nurse training at the Mater Hospital Brisbane. Following this she entered the Novitiate of the Sisters of Charity of Australia in Sydney. Following her Formation as a Sister of Charity she was missioned to the healing ministry of Christ at St. Vincent’s Darlinghurst in Sydney and has remained in the healing ministry all of her religious life in a variety of places. Nursing and Health Administration played a large part of her ministry and led to eighteen years in Congregational Leadership concluding in March 2022.
Catholic Health Australia chief executive Pat Garcia said the healing ministry of Jesus that captured Sr Nolan’s heart in her early nursing years had never left her.
“She has inspired countless men and women to see the work of Christian healthcare through its rightful vocational call, with mission as the focus.”
ACRATH is privileged to have Clare as a member of ACRATH sharing her governance experience and inspiring us to be attentive to the poor and marinalised in our society, especially those who have been trafficked and enslaved. (Image: Used with permission of CHA)