Modern Slavery Act Review
The Australian Government has released an Issues Paper for public consultation as part of the statutory review of the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018. The review will help inform the government’s commitments to tackling modernslavery and humantrafficking at home and abroad.
The review is considering the operation and compliance with the Act over its first three years since 1 January 2019, and will be completed by 31 March 2023, followed by a final report tabled in Parliament. The review will be completed by Professor John McMillan, AO, with support from the Attorney-General’s Department.
Interested stakeholders are invited to participate in the consultation process by preparing a written submission or completing an online survey. The three month consultation period for the review closes on 22 November 2022 (AEDT).
Information about the review, including the Issues Paper and online survey, is available at…/modern-slavery-act…/