National Compensation Scheme

ACRATH’s June conversation looked at the need for a National Compensation Scheme for Victim/Survivors of Modern Slavery with Professor Jennifer Burn, director of Anti-Slavery Australia. Modern slavery is a violation of human rights. In Australia it is a federal crime.
During the conversation Jennifer commented that Australia needs a National Compensation Scheme “that is uniform, accessible, fair and responsive” rather than the eight diverse schemes that currently operate in the states and territories. It is important that survivors of human trafficking are treated equal. For more information on why we need a National Scheme click here.
In 2005 ACRATH initiated a Shadow Report to the 34th Session of the Committee for the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The report made the following recommendation to the Australian Government:
“That the human rights of the victim are placed at the centre of efforts to combat trafficking in
Australia and internationally and that legal and policy responses to trafficking are based upon a
human rights framework.”
A human rights approach must include access to effective remedies for victims of human trafficking, slavery, and slave-like practices. Such remedies assist victim/survivors to move forward and rebuild their lives.
If you missed the ACRATH June Conversaion Series a recording of the event can be viewed here.