New President for ACRATH

ACRATH - WIN_20140301_102512

Congratulations Sr Anne Tormey

AACRATH - WIN_20140301_102512t the AGM held during the ACRATH Conference in Melbourne 27 February – 1 March, Sr Anne Tormey rsm was elected to the position of President of ACRATH.  Anne has been the Regional Coordinator of ACRATH in South Australia for the last three years.   She has had wide experience in administrative roles and has a passion for working against human trafficking.  ACRATH members are grateful to Anne for accepting nomination and election to this role.  Anne is replacing Sr Maree Marsh csb who held the position of Chair of ACRATH for her last two years.  ACRATH members are grateful for Maree’s wise leadership over these years.  Her leadership has affirmed, inspired and challenged all members to be strong advocates for the human rights of those who have been trafficked and exploited.(Photo: L-R Srs Anne Tormey & Maree Marsh)

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