News from ACRATH in Western Australia
Raising Awareness about Human Trafficking
Recently Murdoch University held an open day. Part of the display from the Law Department included a display board with information on human trafficking through question and answer. A chocolate fondue enticed many visitors to consider not only information about trafficking but advertised fair trade. During the day there was a constant flow of people to the display, asking questions and tasting the chocolate. (Left: photo of information board).
In September an ACRATH member spoke to over 50 Year 9 and 10 students from a Muslim school in Morley, Western Australia. The young women came from Africa and Middle Eastern countries such as Syria, Iran, Bahrain, etc. The students were particularly appalled to think that children would be trafficked. They had no idea that human trafficking and slavery were so evident in our world. The variety of cultural backgrounds was a reminder of how easy it is to focus only on what is known and the importance of sharing information about trafficking with people from all cultures.