News Release: Women Religious Take Trafficking Issues to Canberra


Women religious from throughout Australia will descend on Canberra next week (November 22-24) to discuss human trafcking with federal politcians, community leaders, academics union bosses and foreign embassy staff Members of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafcking in Humans) will discuss global and local issues with policy makers in a bid to prevent trafcking of people into Australia. The Sisters will also ask politicians to play a bigger role in internatonal prevention.

The fourth annual visit, involving almost 50 meetngs with key policy makers, comes at a crucial tme. The Federal Government has convened a Natonal Roundtable on Human Trafcking on Wednesday (November 24) to examine trafcking issues and some major announcements are expected.

Brigidine Sister Louise Cleary, who is Chair of the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafcking in Humans (ACRATH), will partcipate in the Natonal Roundtable and will also be a part of the week-long delegaton to Canberra.

Many federal politcians from all partes have agreed to meet the Sisters, including the Minister for Home Affirs and Justce, Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Women, Kate Ellis, and Liberals Judi Moylan and Phillip Ruddock. CFMEU union leaders are also keen to discuss labour trafcking in the constructon industry.  read more..

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