Our People
National Committee

Sr Clare Condon sgs
“I came to ACRATH because I want to do my small thing to address the injustice and horror of trafficking in humans, especially women and children. Secondly. it is a united effort of Catholic Religious in Australia, and part of a worldwide movement of Religious Women and Men.”

Carmel Heagerty rsm
National Secretary
“A commitment to justice… working within a team… focused on hope, compassion and a better tomorrow”

Shane Wood cfc
“A commitment to advocate for the rights of children. Working with ACRATH is one way that we can promote this within Australia and beyond. The exploitation of women and children is predominantly carried out by men, so it is incumbent upon men to be at the forefront of addressing and eliminating this evil from our world.”

Annette Arnold rsj
Committee Member
“The values and faith-driven, collaborative and inclusive way ACRATH approaches its work in addressing the insidious and destructive forces of human trafficking.”

Julia Trimboli
Committee Member
"Through most of my career, I’ve been drawn to working to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable in our community. Working with ACRATH is a very real way of doing this"

Lisa McDonald
Committee Member
“Every person living on the planet deserves to be free and to be surrounded by love and respect. ACRATH fights for this right through advocacy, partnerships and education, whilst also companioning survivors. This is a critically important mission and I’m proud to be a part.”

Meredith Evans rsm
Committee Member

Michael Mooney
Committee Member
"It is difficult to comprehend that the incidents of modern slavery crimes are a growing
problem in Australia. Most of us naturally believe that in Australia, a modern democracy,
everyone is free from slavery in its various forms and individual rights are universally
protected by the law."
The work of ACRATH has opened my eyes to the need to shine a spotlight on a range of
exploitative practices, including human trafficking, forced labour and forced marriage.
Our Staff

Lys Crowe
Interim National Executive Officer
"I've always had a passion for justice and it's great to be part of an organisation where I can put that passion into action. ”

Angela Duthie
Communications Leader
“I wanted to work for an organisation that supports people over profits and shines a light on all the amazing work that ACRATH does.”

Carla Chung
Migrant Worker Support
"There have been great changes because of advocacy and working together. But there is much more to be done."

Carmel Shaw
Community Development Worker
"Everyone deserves a chance to flourish, to make the most of their one 'wild and precious life.' ACRATH gives me the opportunity to work towards making the world a better place, one where everyone is afforded dignity and freedom."

Joseph Dunn
Community Development Worker
"ACRATH gives me the opportunity to use my skills for a worthy cause."

Karen D'Souza
“I had made a conscious decision to move into the Not-for-Profit sector and I'm honoured to be part of an organisation that helps mitigate the impacts of human trafficking, exploitation of itinerant workers and forced marriages through its direct assistance, advocacy and education programs.”

Melissa Halliday
Advocate against Human Trafficking and Forced Marriage
"I hope to educate and encourage others to consider their role in building a slavery-free world through their actions."

Noelene Simmons sm
Communications and Advocacy
“I value being part of an organisation committed to upholding the dignity and human rights of all people.”
Regional Coordinators

Cynthia Mulholland
East Coast Coordinator
"When I became aware that human trafficking does exist in Australia, I wanted to offer my assistance to ACRATH in helping raise awareness, educating communities and being a part of the solution."

Angela Hart
SA Coordinator
“I want to work for an organisation that cares, accompanies and makes a difference in people’s lives. ACRATH fulfils all of this.”

Judy Lamb
VIC Coordinator
"Through ACRATH’s newsletters, I became aware of the scope of the problem of human trafficking in Australia and was inspired to respond. The passion and commitment of members continue to inspire me"

Maureen Delaney
WA Coordinator
"I would like to help others achieve justice and equity where basic human rights are infringed."