Rana Plaza One Year Anniversary

Fashion Revolution Day
On 24th April 2014, the first anniversary of the Rana Plaza Collapse in Bangladesh which killed at least 1,138 people were killed and injured an estimated 2,500 people, some fashion designers in Australia will be wearing their clothes inside out to indicate that they know where their clothes come from. They are using the anniversary to draw attention to the proliferation of sweatshops and inhumane conditions for workers in those garment factories in place like Bangladesh. Do you know where your clothes come from? Read more…
Meanwhile victims of the Rana Plaza Collapse are just beginning to receive payments from a compensation fund set up by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). They are being paid 50,000 taka ($US640) each as an advance against their claims. Meanwhile the ILO has criticised retailers for their “woefully inadequate” contributions to the Fund. “They share a collective responsibility for this profoundly unsustainable production model and its hazards,” said Jyrki Raina, general secretary of the global labour group, IndustriALL.
On this day let us remember all who lost their lives and those who have been left maimed or scared for life because of this horiffic tragedy, a tragedy that should not have happened. Let us honour the victims by pledging our support to campaigns that call for fashion companies to sign the Bangladesh Fire and Safety Accord.