Register for Modern Slavery Statements

On World Day Against Trafficking in Persons Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Jason Wood MP, launched the Online Register for Modern Slavery Statements. Under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 businesses with an annual income in excess of $100 million operating in Australia will be required to submit an annual statement describing their actions to address modern slavery in their supply chain. The website also contains resources to assist Government and business procurement officers. In a media release launching the new website Assistant Minister Wood said:
“Modern slavery has no place in our communities or the supply chains of our goods and services and collaboration between Government, business and civil society is key to combating this crime. We consulted closely with business and civil society to develop the Modern Slavery Act and we continue to work proactively with business and civil society to implement the legislation, including through the Modern Slavery Expert Advisory Group and the National Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery,”
Under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 the Government is required to report annually to Parliament on actions to implement the Act. The first annual report was submitted to Parliament in June 2020. A copy of this report can be downloaded here.