Teacher Background
Modern Slavery: A Kit for Senior Secondary Students
Why a Teaching Kit?
This teaching kit has been prepared for secondary school teachers to assist in educating and raising consciousness about the issue of human trafficking. The resource has five aims:
- To educate and raise consciousness about human trafficking and its many forms
- To provide a process for teaching about human trafficking
- To invite reflection on the issue of human trafficking
- To encourage action to address the issue of human trafficking
- To invite transformation in attitude on the issue of human trafficking
Human trafficking takes on many forms, has many faces and is one of the world’s fastest growing crimes. Australia is a destination for trafficked people who are used for a variety of purposes.
ACRATH, the developer of this resource, is committed to working together towards the elimination of human trafficking in Australia, in Asia, the Pacific and internationally. In order to use this resource effectively, teachers need first of all to familiarise themselves with the contents of the ACRATH website.
This issue is about people, not numbers, who belong to real families, with parents, sisters, brothers… so while the numbers of those trafficked annually is understood to be in the millions, each person has a personal story to tell.
Sensitive Topics
A study of the issue of Human Trafficking naturally exposes all involved to information that some individuals may find upsetting. Teachers need to be aware and sensitive about how they introduce and teach this subject. Particular sensitivity is needed for teaching the unit of Forced Marriage: My Rights, My Future. Training is advised for teachers planning to use the Forced Marriage Kit.
It is understood that it is the responsibility of all schools to inform parents about learning and teaching programs. It is expected that schools will follow their existing procedures regarding information to parents about sensitive topics that are taught and resources that are used. Similarly, it is expected that schools will follow their own procedures dealing with mandatory reporting of disclosed information.
Four Step Process
ACRATH has developed a 4-step process for teaching about human trafficking: Introduction – Information – Recognition – Action. Each step in the process is crucial and requires completion as students move through the learning cycle to a deepened understanding of the issue and a commitment to action. This 4-step process has been developed to reflect ACRATH’s approach on its website to the issue of human trafficking: tell the stories of trafficked people and invite website visitors to discuss and actively respond to the crisis that is human trafficking and slavery in our country, region and internationally.
This first step in the process is aimed at enabling students to articulate a definition of human trafficking, having begun their exploration of some of the complexity of the issue.
In this second step students formulate statements about different aspects of the issue as a result of learning key terms. They begin to make meaning from their initial research into the issue.
In this third step students solidify their learning having explored a range of opinions about the issue and investigated the work of an agency in dealing with human trafficking.
In this final step students take action to address the issue of human trafficking.
In undertaking this unit teachers are reminded of the need to be aware of students’ own experiences and knowledge of human exploitation and the need to be sensitive to student reactions to the stories of victims. For further assistance or to organise a guest speaker, see the ACRATH website for contact details in each state.