Teaching Kit ~ Step 2

Modern Slavery: A Kit for Senior Secondary Students


By the end of Step 2 students will be able to formulate statements about different aspects of the issue of human trafficking.

Phase 1: Deepening knowledge

Divide the class into small groups. Assign each group one of the definitions found on the ACRATH website.
Students are required to find out as much as they can about their allocated definition. To assist in this task, students should be encouraged to research daily newspapers, television news and current events programs, the web including sites such as :

Phase 2: Reflecting on learning
On completion of this task, allow students time for individual reflection in their journals. The following may be helpful prompts:

  • What is emerging as an issue or concern for me?
  • I hadn’t realized that …
  • I was shocked to find out ….
  • I feel…. after learning ….
  • The following questions come up for me now that I know …..

Ask students to share something from their journal writing with one other person, then with two others, then with the whole class.

Phase 3: Extending the learning

Two issues of increasing concern are Forced Marriage and Slavery in Supply Chains.

Forced Marriage
DEFINITION: Forced Marriage occurs where full and free consent by both parties does not exist, often as the result of coercion or deceit.

ACRATH has developed a resource kit (https://www.mybluesky.org.au/learn-more/resources/) on Forced Marriage entitled “My Rights, My Future” giving basic information about the topic of Forced Marriage as it applies to awareness raising and education in an Australian Secondary School setting. Topics include human rights, marriage laws, sensitivities and complexities involved in forced marriage and the impact of forced marriage. Teachers are advised that this kit is comprehensive and will require careful discernment in planning to draw from this material if it is not taught as a complete unit. It is also strongly advised that teachers work through the module on Forced Marriage in the Anti-Slavery Online Course prepared by AntiSlavery Australia.

The following additional resources will be of assistance to teachers in planning this section:

My Blue Sky website
Forced Marriage Community Pack

Forced Marriages – Sara’s Story
Forced Marriage Continues in Many Countries
We are Girls Not Brides

Supply Chains
DEFINITION: Supply chain is the name given to the production process of a good from the collection of raw material through to final product. Workers may be enslaved at any stage of the supply chain.

The following resources will be of assistance to teachers in planning this section:

Supply chains – Parliament of Australia
Human rights in supply chains: Promoting positive practice (32 pps, PDF)
Tackling Forced Labour in Company Supply Chains – Stop Trafficking newsletter vol 14, no 12
“Preventing Human Trafficking in Supply Chains” – US Dept of State: TIP Report 2015
“Digging At Our Conscience: Mining Toolkit” (36 pp, PDF)

Modern day slavery – Supply Chains
Slavery and the Supply Chain
Slavery In Supply Chains – A closer look at the Cotton Industry – 2017 

Teachers should ensure that students understand these terms, the prevalence of these aspects of Human Trafficking, the countries where these are most common and how much of a concern these are in Australia.

Teachers need to facilitate a general discussion after all have had an opportunity to write their own
and read others’ responses.

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