Teaching Kit ~ Step 4

Modern Slavery: A Kit for Senior Secondary Students

Step 4: ACTION

Essential Question: How have I been transformed by my investigation into Human Trafficking?
By the end of this step students will have taken action to address the issue of human trafficking.

Phase 1: Finding out more

Facilitate a general discussion with students about what interests them in their learning so far. Ask students to consider what stands out for them, what is interesting them in this issue. This step requires them to consider what action they can take. Also, what this class and school might do about this issue.

Ask students to decide on an aspect of human trafficking that they wish to know more about. Allow students a set time, eg 20 minutes, to skim True Stories on the ACRATH website to assist them to make their decision. It is advised that students consult with you about their choice of topic.

Students conduct research using the following questions as a starting point:

  • Extent of issue? include statistics if available
  • Who it affects: children, women, men or all three?
  • Is this a recent issue? Is it on the increase?
  • What can you find out about its occurrence in Australia?
  • Can you find any recent reports on this issue in the media? (or is it hidden?)

Phase 2: What to do about it?
Ask students to consider what action they can take to make a difference. Encourage actions that:

  • Are safe and manageable
  • Increase people’s awareness: eg start to read the regular uploads on the ACRATH website, including the newsletter that is published four times a year; acknowledge UN dates of significance; create a YouTube clip on an aspect of the issue etc.
  • Change people’s attitudes, including their own, eg begin to use the term “prostituted woman” instead of “prostitute” or talk to five people this week about the issue or go back to the first person you interviewed and tell them what you now know
  • Support actions that take a stand against trafficking in humans, such as Fair Trade etc
  • See ACRATH site for options

Students in congregational schools could write to the Congregational Leader about what they are doing and how they acknowledge the work being done by the Congregation to address this issue. Students in other Catholic schools could write to the Parish Priest or Canonical Administrator. Students in independent or Ministry schools could write to the Prime Minister, or local Member of Parliament, and/or ACRATH, UN etc. Students should be encouraged to find ways to inform their school community about this issue as well. If your school belongs to a school system with a presence in another country, consider how students might share their learnings about this issue with that school.

Teachers in Catholic and/or religious schools are encouraged to conclude this unit with a liturgy or prayer experience. Resources for this are available on the ACRATH website.

Students could share their intended actions with ACRATH personnel in your state. All correspondence will be acknowledged by publication or letter.

Teachers are invited to reflect on what worked well in this unit, what they might adjust next time etc. and make their suggestions to the education@acrath.org.au

Phase 3: Reflecting on the experience

Invite students to write in their journals to comment on how the experience of this unit has had an impact on them. The following questions are offered as starting point for reflection:


  • What has been the most surprising thing I have learnt in this unit?
  • How has my learning changed me?
  • If someone asked me if trafficking in humans was wrong, what would I now say to them?
  • Where could I go to find out what I might do about this issue?
  • What will I do now as a result of my learning?
  • What won’t I do now as a result of my learning?
  • Who could I talk to further about this issue?

Consult with the class about ways to keep this issue alive as the year progresses. Try to honour that commitment.

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