Rising to the Challenge Together


ACRATH’s ambitious 2024 fundraising target of $350,000 has been reached after generous donations in December, many in lieu of Christmas gifts. Thank you for your incredible generosity and commitment to help eradicate modern slavery,

Fundraising is critical, allowing us to sustain crucial initiatives such as Educating for Change and the Companionship Program and awareness campaigns dedicated to helping victim/survivors of human trafficking in 2025. 

ACRATH also received grants from The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and the Attorney-General’s Department that conclude on June 30 this year. 

“2024 has been a year that has brought challenges to everyone as the cost-of-living pressures hit across the board.  Nevertheless, the generous donations to ACRATH either through direct donations, regular salary deductions through workplace giving, TryBooking account, attending fundraisers, or being a volunteer to support the education programs or other activities, have enabled us to have a good year financially,” said ACRATH Treasurer Shane Wood cfc.

One of our valued donors shared her journey of becoming a contributor after learning more about human trafficking and ACRATH’s important work: “I discovered the breadth of ACRATH’s efforts….and the various ways one can contribute, even through mindful purchasing. I chose to donate to ACRATH because everyone deserves freedom, dignity, and respect. ACRATH is instrumental in upholding these values, both through direct action and by advocating for policy changes with the government.”

Leaving a gift to ACRATH in your will is a powerful way to create a lasting impact and support victims and survivors of modern slavery. For more information about this option, or to arrange a confidential discussion contact our office at networks@acrath.org.au.

Thank you once again for your incredible support of ACRATH. We couldn’t continue this important work without you.

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