Roadmap to Eliminate Worst Forms of Child Labour

Pages from Child Labour Training Guide - ILO

International Labour Organization (ILO) Training Guide

Countries across the globe are working towards eliminating the worst forms of child labour and are preparing to showcase their progress during the upcoming Global Child Labour Conference in Brazil (in October 2013). Many have asked for ILO technical assistance.

In response, ILO developed a training guide for policy-makers in governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations and international and non-governmental organizations. It is aimed at assisting them in developing, or refining and updating existing national responses to the worst forms of child labour. The guide is a training resource, draws heavily from the globally adopted theRoadmap for Achieving the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour by 2016, and offers a succinct text that touches upon the most important policy considerations without pretending to be exhaustive, along with a series of training exercises, illustrative text boxes, and specific advice for the various key stakeholder groups.  Read more…

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