Santa Marta Group Meets

Santa Marta 2018

Church and Law Enforcement Collaborate

The Santa Marta Group is an alliance of international police chiefs and bishops from around the world working together with civil society in a process endorsed by Pope Francis, to eradicate human trafficking and modern day slavery. The fifth international Santa Marta conference took place at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences from 8 – 9 February 2018. The conference focused on human trafficking and modern slavery in different geographical regions and the activities undertaken to combat it. Opening the Conference Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Santa Marta Group, spoke about building trust and active partnerships to combat human trafficking. In meeting with the group at the end of their conference Pope Francis said:

“Initiatives to combat human trafficking, while concretely aimed at dismantling criminal structures, must increasingly consider broader issues associated, for example, with the responsible use of technology and the communications media, to say nothing of exploring the ethical implications of models of economic growth that privilege profit over persons.”

The Australian Federal Police has been actively involved in the Santa Marta Group since its inception.

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