Snapshot of Issues
Loreto Kirribilli is committed to creating awareness of human trafficking and believes that gifting all teachers and support staff an ACRATH calendar is a good place to start. Helen Thomas, Director of Mission at the school in NSW, said teachers and students were interested in finding out more about human trafficking in Australia and globally.
Loreto Kirribilli’s Principal Anna Dickinson has bought about 250 calendars for the past two years and distributed them amongst the Kinder to Year 12 teachers, support staff and maintenance staff. The school is the largest buyer of ACRATH calendars.
“We love the calendar because it is a snapshot of the issues and every page provides some information, facts and insights into an aspect of human trafficking and modern day slavery,” Helen said.
The calendar, put together by ACRATH’s Queensland coordinator Sr Janine Bless fmm, was first published in 2015 to create awareness of human trafficking and to raise funds for ACRATH’s work.
The ACRATH calendars are now on sale for $10 plus postage. If you would like to order a 2022 calendar click here.
Caption: Helen Thomas and Anna Dickinson look through the 2022 ACRATH calendar.