Sydney Teachers Learn to Combat Slavery

Human Trafficking In-Service
Teachers from Catholic secondary schools will take an important step forward in the move to slavery-proof supply chains of goods and services in the Sydney Archdiocese. The teachers are participating in a human trafficking in-service run by ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans).
ACRATH president Sr Noelene Simmons sm will run the in-service for teachers on March 20, assisted by Professor Jennifer Burn, Director of Anti-Slavery Australia and Professor of Law at the University of Technology Sydney. Both women are members of the Sydney Archdiocesan Anti-Slavery Taskforce headed by former Australian ambassador to the Vatican, John McCarthy QC.
The Taskforce has made recommendations, which include slavery proofing supply chains in the Archdiocese, including goods and services at all Catholic schools. The in-service is the first step in educating teachers on how supply chains relate to human trafficking. Read more…