Criminal Justice in Australia

The Australian Institute of Criminology has released and Trends and Issues paper entitled Attrition of human trafficking and slavery cases through the Australian criminal justice system. In the paper author, Samantha Lyneham, comments on the challenges police and prosecutors face while attempting to obtain a conviction for human trafficking and slavery offences. Globally the number of…

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Dark Figure of Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is an under reported crime therefore it is difficult to compile accurate statistics. The Australian Institute of Criminology has released its latest publication, Estimating the dark figure of human trafficking and slavery victimisation in Australia. A new technique known as multiple systems estimation (MSE) which counts the overlap of victims appearing in different combinations…

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Workplace Exploitation, Human Trafficking and Slavery

Australian Institute of Criminology Publication The Australian Institute of Criminology has released the latest paper in the Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice series (No. 527?December 2016). This publication, Migrating for work and study: The role of the migration broker in facilitating workplace exploitation, human trafficking and slavery, examines the role of migration brokers in…

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Enhanced Monitoring Program on Human Trafficking and Slavery

Australian Institute of Criminology Research The Australian Government’s National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery 2015–19 reports “the Australian Institute of Criminology is developing a human trafficking and slavery monitoring framework for the Australia (and the Asia-Pacific region) that will improve our evidence base for trends and patterns of trafficking activity.” A Technical and Background Paper…

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Recovery, Return and Reintegration of Indonesian Victims of Trafficking

Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice no.483 The fifth and final paper in the Australian Institute of Criminology’s (AIC) analysis of data from the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and Counter Trafficking Module (CTM) has been published.  The paper is entitle Recovery, return and reintegration of Indonesian victims of trafficking.  Once a trafficked…

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Marriage and Partner Migration to Australia

Australian Institute of Criminology(AIC) Research & Public Policy No 124 Research described in the latest AIC Research & Public Policy Paper is the first in Australia to confirm that marriage has been used to recruit or attract women to Australia for the purposes of exploitation as domestic servants, to provide private or commercial sexual services and/or to be exploited in…

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